Note: This file is currently in BETA version and not available for all customers, please contact us if you are interested in learning more.
Alexis has the possibility to export time off data in a csv file that can be exported into X-ledger .
The export file contains absences for all employees in the selected period
The downloaded file will be named : *.csv
Export in X-ledger format
You initiate the X-ledger time off export through Manage time → Export time off.
Select the absences you wish to export with the selection options and checkboxes. You can read more about the Export time off view here
After selecting Export, choose Xledger as the file format for download.
The export will be startad and after it´s finished it will download a file in Xledger format.
In order for the export to work properly there are a few things that needs to be configured.
All used leaves must have a matching Leave type code in accordance to the X-ledger payroll system, otherwise they cannot be matched when imported into .
Check your payroll configuration for what codes apply to what absence.
Employment number must match the employees employment number in X-ledger in order to be able to import it correctly.
Exported content
The file will contain
Employee number
Employee title at the start of the employment
Leave type code from the absence
Note (optional) from the absence
Absence name (label of the absence)
Time off data for the employees within the selected period
Absences sent as they have been entered into Alexis.
Leave percentage calculated as number of absence days divided by the number of workdays within the exported period.
An absence is added with the following data:
Leave type Vacation with leave type code ABC
Full day leaves for 2024-02-19 -- 2024-02-25 (Monday-Sunday)
Comment on leave = "Winter break", employee number = 145
Employee has a defined work week as Monday-Friday (08:00-12:00,13:00-17:00) and the title Engineer
This would be represented as below in the export file
Employee,Position,Absence Code,Absence Cause,Text,Date From,Time From,Date To,Time To,Leave Pct
145,Engineer,ABC,Winter break,Vacation,2024-02-19,00:00:00,2024-02-25,00:00:00,23.81
Import into your payroll system
You now have a file that is ready to be imported into your payroll system. Please refer to your systems manual on how to perform this action and when depending on your internal processes for doing the actual payroll.