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Understanding your assignment as a Case Handler
Understanding your assignment as a Case Handler

Have you been assigned the a case handler for a certain organization? Read our guide here to learn more regarding how it works in Alexis

Mio Mattsson avatar
Written by Mio Mattsson
Updated over a week ago

If you are reading this article then you have most likely been assigned the Case Handler, or about to be, for a company's Whistleblowing portal in Alexis.

A Case Handler in Alexis can either be an internal or external person within the company. With how this feature is built, you don't actually have to have an Alexis account or be an employee of the company to be able to handle reported cases.

Regardless of who is assigned the Case Handler, we at Alexis take privacy and security very seriously which is also why we this specific feature is hosted outside of AlexisHR's main application. It also has no tracking and logging in/verification is done using a password-less system where no information is saved about the user, unless they willingly enter their contact information.

Each organization is responsible for how they want to distribute the URL to the portal both internally and externally so if you are unsure, ask your HR or Employer. If you are interested to learn more on how our Whistleblowing Portal works from a Reporter's POV then you can click here to find out in our Reporter's guide.

Sign in to the portal

To login to the portal as the Case Handler, you need to go to (bookmark this URL to save you the time) where you will be asked to fill in your email and from there you will receive a one-time link to be able to sign into the portal.

Note: Your email needs to match the email address set up as the case handler email in the settings which is also uppercase sensitive. If you have not received a link then ask your HR or Employer to check their settings.

View and handle cases

When signed in to the portal, you should now see all the reported cases, if there are any, which you have access to. From here you can see information such as the title of the case, who the Reporter is (unless they are Anonymous), the date and time of the last response as well as the status. Clicking on "View" will allow to view each case by detail.

Here you will be able to read more about the case itself but most importantly, you can also communicate with the Reporter even if they are anonymous. You can also upload attachments which will be shared with the reporter but you can also close a case if it has been completely handled.

If ever needed, you and the Reporter can always choose to re-open the case to continue the process.

We will also keep you automatically notified when new cases have been reported but also when updated to a case has been made.

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