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&frankly Integration

All you need to know about our &frankly integration

Lukas Andersson avatar
Written by Lukas Andersson
Updated over 2 months ago

How to set up the integration

  1. You need to generate a token in &frankly for authentication purposes. This can be found under Account -> API Access.

    • Only users granted the role "Administrator" in &frankly are capable of generating API tokens.

  2. Copy the API Key

  3. In Alexis HR navigate to Settings -> Integrations and enter the copied API Key and click “integrate”

  4. When successful response is given the connection is set.

How to sync users from Alexis to &frankly

  1. As an Owner go to Engagement - Surveys - Export

  2. When clicking Synchronize the current state of employees will be synced to &Frankly

  3. Repeat this step every time you make a change related to employees and organizations in Alexis

Employee data export

The following data is exported to &frankly

  • All users that are in the active state in Alexis HR








firstName (mandatory)



lastName (mandatory)



Work email (mandatory)


Work Phone (needs to be correctly formatted, or left blank)



Time Zone for user



Owners = Administrator , All others = User

accessInfo : memberOf

The employees current connected "groups". And groups are defined as

  • Organization

  • Office

  • Department

  • Team(s)

  • Employment type

  • Organization

    • Eastern

  • Office

    • New York

  • Department

    • Sales

  • Team(s)

    • BDR, SDR

  • Employment type

    • Permanent employment

Group data export

In &frankly reports are available for groups and teams that have been offered to participate in a pulse and surpass the anonymity requirements set for an account.

Therefore when employees are exported from Alexis we make sure that the groups in &frankly is the same as the groups/entities they belong to in Alexis HR.

Alexis HR entity

Name in &frankly

Description in &frankly


Name of the organization

Users belonging to the [Name] Organization in AlexisHR


Name of the Offices

Users belonging to the [Name] Office in AlexisHR


Name of the departments

Users belonging to the [Name] Department in AlexisHR


Name of the Teams

Users belonging to the [Name] Team in AlexisHR

Employment types

Name of the employment types

Users belonging to the [Name] Employment types in AlexisHR

Attributes data export

You can export the following custom attributes from Alexis HR to &frankly that is connected to the exported users.


Data in Alexis HR



Personal - City



Personal - Country



Personal - Legal Gender

*Needs to be created as a custom attribute with the label Gender and options must be Male, Female, Non-binary or Not-specified



Required if active

Employment date

Employee hire date, first employment date

Required if active

To be able to export attributes you must first add the attributes in &frankly.

Go to Account – User management and add wanted attributes:

NOTE: If you allow Gender to be not specified on your employees you need to create a custom attribute in &frankly with the following options Male, Female, Non-binary, Not-specified. See image below

When you have added the attributes in &frankly you can sync data from Alexis to &frankly (note that all employees must have attribute data in their Alexis profile for the sync to be successful).

How to access &frankly

1. As an Owner go to Engagement - Surveys - Overview

2. When clicking View Surveys you will get directed in to &frankly

3. Go to Log in - &frankly

4. First time you log in you have to create an account:
- Add your email address

- Choose password

- Confirm password

5. Now you are ready to log in!


Frequently asked questions

Q : What happens when an employee is offboarded in Alexis HR?

A : The next time the employees are exported to &frankly and the offboarded date has passed. The employee will be removed from &frankly. Already answered surveys will be saved.

Q : I am getting an error message saying "validateThatPhoneNumberIsCorrect", what does that mean?

A : This means that one of the employees within your company has a faulty phone number and you need to correct it. You can do this through an employee report and have the work phone as one of the fields for searching.

Q : I am getting an error message saying "validateNoPhoneDuplicates", what does that mean?

A : This means that one of the employees within your company has a work phone number that is already registered to a user in &frankly and you probably need to correct it. You can do this through an employee report and have the work phone as one of the fields for searching.

Q : I am getting an error message saying "validateDuplicateMailInAnotherCompany", what does that mean?

A : This means that one of the employees within your company has a work email that already exists on a user in &frankly.

Q : I am getting an error message saying "apiTokenValidation", what does that mean?

A : This means that the api token from &frankly that was entered when activating the integration is not currently valid.

Q : I am getting an error message saying "validateExternalProperties", what does that mean?

A : This means that &frankly expects external properties to be sent (they are activated in &frankly). Or that Alexis is sending external properties that are not activated in &frankly (but activated in Alexis HR).

In the below example Alexis is trying to send external name "not specified" for the attribute Gender but that attribute or its allowed data is not configured in &frankly.

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