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Employee Integration with Fortnox

Information of how the integration to Fortnox works in regards of importing, exporting and updating employees

Lukas Andersson avatar
Written by Lukas Andersson
Updated over 2 months ago

Note : This requires that you have configured an integration towards Fortnox. Read more here

Table of Contents


This integration to Fortnox uses secure APIs to enable a seamless integration of core employee data between the two systems. Employees can be created from both systems but we strongly recommend to have one system as the source of truth for all of your employee data.

You can read more here about the detailed integration data fields that are updated in each system.

Export employee view

To export employees from Alexis HR to Fortnox navigate to People - Export/Import - Fortnox - Export.

Here you'll land on the Linked tab, but two other tabs also exists:

  • Alexis - All employees in Alexis that has not been exported(linked) to Fortnox

  • Linked - All employees in Alexis that has been exported(and linked) to Fortnox

  • All - All of the above

The first time you visit this page the Linked tab will be empty but if you have exported/linked employees you are able to:

  • Unlink employees : If you for some reason do not want to continue to have this employee linked anymore to Fortnox.

  • Export : Select all or a subset of Linked employees and thus "update" them in Fortnox.

  • Cancel : Regret and go back to the Export/Import view.

Refresh Fortnox data : Depending on your company size there has been times where the importing of the Fortnox current state has taken a bit too long. With this button you can make sure the data is fresh and trigger a refresh at will.

Export employees to Fortnox

To export (also referred to as link) employees to Fortnox for the first time, click on the Alexis tab and select the employees you wish to export/link.

In my example I want to export one employee to Fortnox and selects that employee and then click Export(1)

A green banner will be shown when export is finished and the employee will now be shown in the Linked tab and also created in Fortnox.

Updating employees in Fortnox

When you have made updates to already linked employees in Alexis and want to export/update that new information to Fortnox, all you need to do is to select all or some of the employees and click export.

This will then update the selected users in Fortnox with the new information from Alexis HR. In the below example 8 employees would have their data exported to Fortnox and updated records.

Unlink employees from Fortnox

Sometimes you need to remove the connection for an employee between AlexisHR and Fortnox. Some of the reasons might include:

  • Longer leave of absence (like Off duty)

  • Temporary changes to employment status

  • The need to delete the employee in Fortnox and to re-export the employee from AlexisHR

For these situations you can unlink the employee from the Linked tab and Unlink button. The employee will then in Alexis HR be "moved" to the Alexis tab.

Note : This does not affect the employee in anyway in Fortnox, but you will not be able to continue to export any leaves (or employee data) for the employee until the status is Linked again.

Import employee view

To import employees from Fortnox to Alexis HR navigate to People - Export/Import - Fortnox - Import

Here you'll land on the All tab, but two other tabs also exists:

  • New - Employees that exists in the Fortnox account but have not yet been imported (also referred to as linked) to Alexis HR.

  • Imported - Employees that are linked (have been imported from Fortnox or exported previously from Alexis)

  • All - All employees existing in the connected Fortnox account.

So the first time you visit this page you will see the All tab. that view shows all employees that exists in the connected Fortnox account.

As long as the employee in Fortnox has not been imported (or linked through Exporting from Alexis) the Alexis user will be replaced with Match and Create buttons.

Create : Will create a new user in Alexis with information from Fortnox.

Match : Will let you match the employee from Fortnox with an existing user in Alexis.

Affected fields (fields to merge)

Here you can see an overview of what information will be affected by the import.

Clicking on it gives you a more detailed overview of what information has been found in Fortnox and what information currently exists in Alexis (this will be empty if there's no employee that has been matched with the employee found in your source).

Action to be performed

This column tells you what action will be performed once you hit Import.

There's 5 different statuses this can have:

  • Create new user - this employee will be created in Alexis based of the information gathered from Fortnox.

  • Prefer Alexis - This user is matched between your Fortnox and Alexis but information in Alexis will remain the same (no new data is imported from Fortnox).

  • Prefer Fortnox - This user is matched between Fortnox and Alexis and information in Alexis will be overwritten by information from Fortnox.

  • Match manually - This user has been matched manually. Can also be set to either Prefer Alexis or Prefer Fortnox.

Do nothing - This means no action will be taken on the employee

You can change Action to be performed by selecting the checkbox next to the employee and selecting what action you want to achieve with the buttons at the top. Create,Prefer Alexis,Prefer Fortnox or Do nothing)

Importing employees from Fortnox

Once you feel confident about how the overview above works it's time to import!

Navigate to People - Export/Import - Fortnox - Import (All tab)
Using the checkboxes to the most-left of the list of employees you can select people and then tell Alexis how to handle that employee.

In the example below these 3 employees would be created as new users in Alexis HR.

They would then be Imported (also referred to as linked) and if data is updated in Alexis HR you can now use the export functionality to update information in Fortnox.

Match employees from Fortnox

If you have employees that are existing in both systems but have not been linked/matched yet, Navigate to People - Export/Import - Fortnox - Import (All tab).
Using the checkboxes to the most-left of the list of employees you can select people and then for each employee in Fortnox, select the employee it should be matched with in Alexis HR..

In the example below these 2 employees would be matched as follows:

Fortnox user Puck will be matched to Black Panther

Fortnox user Gamora will be matched to Gamora The First

They would then be Imported (also referred to as linked) and if data is updated in Alexis HR you can now use the export functionality to update information in Fortnox.

Update Employees with data from Fortnox:

If you are using Fortnox as a source or you for some other usecase want to update imported users (also referred to as linked users) with new data from Fortnox.

Navigate to People - Export/Import - Fortnox - Import and then switch to the Imported tab.

Select the employees with the checkboxes and click the Prefer Fortnox button.

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